NOAA Weather Radio

NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards

Weather Radio

An NOAA Weather Radio is a “must have” piece for kit for your home survival kit so that you are completely prepared for if and when a disaster strikes, whether the disaster is a hurricane or something else.

The most common and popular NOAA weather radios are Midland, which have lots of different NOAA weather radios available in their range, as well as Etón, Sangean and even the NOAA weather radio which is actually by NOAA.

So why are these brands popular. What features do they have which makes their NOAA weather radios more popular, useful and user friendly than rival brands of NOAA weather radio. Let’s see;

Features of NOAA Weather Radio

More important than the brand of NOAA weather radio you choose, is the features which are available on the particular model of radio. The important thing is to get plenty of weather warnings and alerts in good time isn’t it, I mean, the NOAA wouldn’t go to all that trouble to supply us with such a comprehensive national weather service if it wasn’t crucial for survival during a hurricane disaster or another other type of emergency. An NOAA weather radio can provide lots of useful extras though.

  • Audio alert – plus disability – many of the more popular NOAA weather radios have audible alerts to give you plenty of warning of potential disasters on the horizon, but some of the more advanced NOAA weather radios give you the option of disabling the alerts which are less than life threatening, and just alerting the owner when there is something like a tornado or hurricane warning. Think about it, it’s no fun being awoken at 3 am by the NOAA weather alert because of tornado watch . . . just let us know when it’s actually coming and we need to take action!
  • Does size matter to you – to many people it does, and, contrary to what you’re thinking (careful) some people prefer smaller to larger when it comes to NOAA weather radios. Smaller radios are easier to handle and don’t take up tons of valuable space either on your bedside cabinet, or in your emergency hurricane shelter. Smaller NOAA weather radios also make it easier to take ’em with you on vacation etc.
  • A blue backlit display is a pretty popular feature of some NOAA weather radios, okay, it can light up the bedroom a little too brightly at night time, but if there’s a dimmer switch option all the better.
  • Battery back-up is essential for your NOAA weather radio. You know all about “sods law” right, that’s the law that says that if there is a hurricane coming you may lose electrical power just before you need to hear the weather alert on the radio. An NOAA weather radio which uses popular batteries, the same as every other battery operated appliance in the house (I won’t say bedroom . . . ) is great, so 4-AA battery back up might be a good idea for you. Make sure that your batteries are always juiced up and ready for action – in your NOAA weather radio.
  • Alarm clock features as well as regular radio are a great addition to your NOAA weather radio – how many bits of electronic gadgetry do you want on your nightstand when you go to sleep. Am/Fm/Clock and alarm features on your NOAA weather radio keeps everything neatly together.

NOAA weather radio – keeping you safe and informed about hurricanes, tornados and other potential hazards.

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